Order Alphabet Smash today!
Take your child on an alphabet adventure!
In Alphabet Smash, Christina Parker Brown shows you how to:
- Embrace teaching your preschooler
- Incorporate learning while living your life
- Have fun learning the alphabet intentionally
- Replace boring worksheets and drills with nature, songs, art, and more
- Find contentment in doing and being enough as you teach your children

Alphabet Smash is not just an education, it is an experience!
Are you interested in homeschooling your preschooler or kindergartner but overwhelmed at the thought of where to begin? Listen, I get it. I have been where you are. I wrote Alphabet Smash because I couldn’t find a curriculum to do with my kids that was fun. I dreaded boring preschool worksheets and I wasn’t interested in drilling phonics. They weren’t ready to read. I wanted to excite them about letters, language and learning. And so this is what WE did.

Christina Parker Brown is a homeschool momma of three since 2000 and the author of AKAHomeschoolMom.com and Alphabet Smash. Her work has been featured in Proverbs 31 Magazine, The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, Home Educator Family Times, Greenhouse and others. Christina’s passion is to encourage others to intentionally connect faith, family, and fun. She is a hopeless logophile and always brakes for yard sales. Her writing is inspired from her faith in Jesus Christ, adventures in NC with her Adventure Group, and her 23 year marriage to best friend, Richard.
Get out of the overwhelmed homeschool mom mentality. Try something new, shift to the idea of life schooling, and smash your way through the alphabet!
“Alphabet Smash takes pre -schoolers down a beautiful road of rich learning experiences. New worlds are explored through the alphabet, and the best part? Kids and parents alike have fun while they learn!” -Lindy Sellers

Collecting Insects for I week!

Warm laundry romp for L week!