Homeschool Questionnaire for Kids
Asking questions helps with finding a direction and vision with your kids. Especially because we are all so very different. I use a questionnaire on the first day of our homeschool every year. It helps me know where my children’s interests are in any given year and is most insightful (and funny) when comparing it year to year. After having gone to the NCHE Thrive conference in my state last week, I came home a different mom. I want to start the school year with a bang! A couple of the ‘Homeschool Questionnaire for Kids’ questions that I added, I heard in a conference talk given by Dr. Kathy Koch. She was fabulous. These questions have been such a good experience for our homeschool, I decided to share it with you. These questions are for kids ages 3-adult.
Ask your child these questions to figure out their bent at the beginning or end of the school year and repeat annually.
These questions show my kids what I value. I want my daughters to think about the values that are important to us. In the past, the first question was about what my kids wanted to be when they grew up. But after reading Daniel Lapin’s Business Secrets From the Bible, I found the 1st question is a better one when changing the verb from ‘be’ to ‘serve’ and by taking the focus off of self and on to others.
The last question about ‘a perfect day’ is one we have used for a couple years. If you don’t know what a perfect day looks like for yourself, how can you ever have one? It is like aiming a bow and arrow with no target. If you know what your child’s perfect day looks like, you may be able to make your ordinary days a little more extraordinary. You’ll be surprised at how simple some of these ideas may be.
For younger children ask the same questions. Don’t allow anxiety if your child doesn’t have an answer or opinion. Go with your child’s first answer and compare them every year. Take it yourself. These are great questions and conversation starters. The questionnaire is what we will be doing on our first day of school. I invite you to join us. Print the PDF below for FREE.
Answer these 17 questions to prick your heart and your children’s hearts and open up their future, one question at a time. Click here or the picture below to access the FREE PDF.

Click Picture to access FREE PDF of Homeschool Questionnaire Photo by Porapak Apichodilok from Pexels
Hi! I’d love to access your questionnaire, but the link doesn’t seem to be working. How might I access it? Thank you! -Jenny
Try it now Had a glitch Thanks for reaching out!
Is there another link I can click on it’s not seeming to work for me
can you click on the picture? I am happy to send it to you!
Site says no page found
Thank you for letting me know, try it now 😉
wow Christina! This is wonderful – I wish I’d had these questions to ask my kids when we were homeschooling. What a great way to get a little insight into their hearts. Not bad questions to ask myself now that I’m in the empty nest.
Keep up the good work!
Thank you, Laura! They are good questions to ask adults and ‘grown kids’ too 🙂
What a FABULOUS way to start the new school year! Thank you for offering this!!
Thank you so much!