Alphabet Smash is just 99¢!!!
Hello Beautiful You! To celebrate Christmas, for a limited time, Alphabet Smash is just 99¢!!!
As a special Christmas gift for you, Alphabet Smash Kindle edition is now on sale for 99 cents through December 25th.
Feel free to pass this deal on to your friends and any homeschool mommas you know with littles at home.
I am including a drawing for
Playtime Activities- Usborne- hardcover (See picture below).

Playtime Activities features original yet simple things for very small children to do, from cutting and sticking to finger painting and drawing.
Create simple art activities with finger paints, markers, crayons, scissors, or glue. It goes very well with Alphabet Smash‘s letter of the week. I used it for pre-school, kindergarten, and up with all 3 of my girls. My personal copy is well stained and well loved.
To get your name cast into the FREE drawing, just share this email on social media and/or email loops.
- Share on Facebook: One name into the hat
- Like AKAHomeschoolMom on facebook: One name into the hat
- Share on Twitter: One name into the hat
- Share on Pinterest: One name into the hat
- Give email to a friend or homeschool group: One name into the hat for each
You may earn as many chances to win as you want!
Email me privately at and let me know you shared it and where. Include a good contact email. That’s all! The drawing will take place after Christmas.
Alphabet Smash is just 99¢!!!
To learn more about Alphabet Smash, read Cathy Duffy’s review.
Or try Alphabet Smash for FREE. Get your 6 FREE letters, C.H.R.I.S.T. here.
Thank you again for allowing me into your home. I pray Alphabet Smash blesses your family as it did mine.
Commit your actions to the LORD, and your plans will succeed. Proverbs 16:3 (NLT)
Spread the love! Merry Christmas!
Alphabet Smash is just 99¢!!!
Book trailer created by my 19 year old daughter, the first original user of Alphabet Smash!