Where I’m From…..I am from black dirt and bare feet and brief rain showers falling on humid days

Where I am From

from playing hide and seek and squealing in delight on Slip-n-Slides and riding to the 7-11 on bikes with banana seats for a Slurpee during the long days of summer.

Where I'm From...I am from a ranch stucco home with Spanish arched doorways,

Where I'm From...

The Elmwood

no air conditioning, and metal shutters to ‘batten down the hatches’ during hurricanes.

I am from mango, grapefruit, and avocado trees whose fruit we would sometimes sell on the side of the road for pocket money.

I am from transistor radios and walks around the block with Jewish girlfriends

and from homemade dresses with 1970’s flowery prints.

Where I'm From...I am from divorced parents, grandparents, and great-grand parents and a latch key that hung around my neck on a cotton string.

from Granbery, Parker, and Sweeting.

I am from a photographer and scuba diver,

Where I'm From...

Harry III

from an alcoholic, an artist…

and from 60 years of genealogy research dating back to the the 16oo’s from age-old family Bibles and plantation and court records.

I am from occasional Sunday School, an antique Christening gown,

Where I'm From...

4th generation Christening gown

and New Age Enlightenment that wasn’t enlightening.

I am from Watson and Big Pine Key and John Granbery of Virginia

from Key West Conch Fritters, Cuban bollos, and black beans

from Robert Watson’s Civil War experience as A Key West Avenger and Julian Granbery who drove an ambulance in France during WW1.

I am from a backyard whose fence I would hang over to feed carrots to horses and whose trees I would climb.

from afternoon dips in neighbor’s pools and weekends in the ocean.

I am from those moments of black dirt and bare feet and brief rain showers falling on humid days…..

Where are you from?  This is the original poem and it’s history.  Find out how to write your own “Where I Am From” poem by clicking on The Where I am From Template here.  There are several variations to this poem, Where I am From.  Please share here in the comments where you are from or a link to your post!  I would love to hear all about it!

“How can you know where you are going if you don’t know where you have been?”

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