




So glad you stopped by!

What does it mean to have an Intentional home(school)?  I am leaning into that question daily and I invite you to come with me.

As a city kid from Miami plunked down into the heart of North Carolina, my dream was to climb the corporate ladder, have 2 weeks vacation a year, and own a white picket fence.


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I went to college, married my sweetheart






and had babies instead.  It wasn’t my original plan.

I am a wife.









a sister

a daughter,

a logophile (lover of words)

a mommy,

a friend,

a Christian,

and I am Also Known As a homeschool mom. I bet you are too.

I have homeschooled my 3 girls since 2001 when my first daughter was in pre-school.  It was (and sometimes still is) out of my comfort zone.  I used to make fun of homeschoolers and am convinced God has a sense of humor.

This is my journal since 2009…  My journey of figuring out how to intentionally connect faith, family and fun into learning and living. And to journey with you in It is an attempt to capture grateful everyday moments and adventures with words and a camera, to notice the extraordinary in the ordinary, and to rely on God’s grace every day through adventures of an ordinary homeschool mom.

I think you will be pleasantly surprised with how much we have in common than in how we differ.

My writing is inspired by my struggling yet growing faith, our homeschool journey (lots with our Adventure Group),  and authentically embracing an imperfect life.  Even after homeschooling for 16 years; I still get overwhelmed.  My house is mostly messy, I don’t have it all figured out, and I stumble daily.  Mostly I just muddle through.

My goal is to be authentic to myself and to you.  I invite you to share your adventures on this journey as well.

It is my passion to encourage you to live intentionally and to have fun doing it.  I consider myself as much a student as a teacher.   My kids teach me.  I learn everyday.  I find that God must really love me to entrust these beautiful souls to me.  And I consider it a great privilege.  It is my prayer that my stories and posts will encourage you and resonate with you as a mom and educator.

Won’t you join me?  Sign up for my newsletter that includes posts and updates tucked into your inbox weekly.

I am the author of Alphabet Smash, a guest contributor for (in)courage and have been published in The Old Schoolhouse Magazine , NCHE, as well as Proverbs 31 Magazine.  Most often you can find me yard saling, reading, or writing about the journey of my faith, my family, and our adventures in North Carolina.

Your friend,


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