by Christina | Oct 7, 2014 | Adventure, books, children, free, homeschool, motherhood |
The Inspiration for Alphabet Smash – A Christian Homeschool Pre-K and K Curriculum I am ashamed to admit this, but I used to make fun of homeschoolers. Who would want to homeschool? I love that God has such a sense of humor. Especially believing that I, the...
by Christina | Oct 2, 2014 | Adventure, books, children, homeschool, Writing |
Quick Announcement and a Favor… Alphabet Smash is almost done! We are really close to finishing our long awaited pre-school/kindergarten curriculum. I have been working on this for more than 3 years, but we are finally going to wrap it up and will be...
by Christina | Sep 2, 2014 | Adventure, books, encouragement |
Books a Homeschool Mom Reads – Part 2 This has been a good year for this homeschool mom to read books. Many of these I listened to on CD in my kitchen or my car. Paring something pleasant with something unpleasant helps make the unpleasant thing more pleasant....
by Christina | Jul 24, 2014 | books, homeschool, motherhood, Writing |
Alphabet Smash Book Cover Poll I mentioned a few weeks ago that I am writing a Pre-school/Kindergarten curriculum called Alphabet Smash. After months of researching and getting it together, I am now deciding on a cover and would very much appreciate input, especially...
by Christina | Mar 13, 2014 | books, dayspring, gratitude, homemaking |
Leaving a Legacy with Your Art. It started with the pictures. My dad’s. Harry A.V. Parker III was an underwater photographer, a scuba diver and a scuba instructor. He always loved the water; dive team in high school and lifeguard during the summers in Virginia...
by Christina | May 28, 2013 | books, encouragement |
I am surprised at the number of books I have read the first half of this year. I think it is more than the last 2 combined. They were so good, I thought I would share. (please excuse in advance any fragmented sentences). So here goes…..Great books a...