by Christina | Dec 22, 2016 | Alphabet Smash, books, give-a-way, homeschool |
Alphabet Smash is just 99¢!!! Hello Beautiful You! To celebrate Christmas, for a limited time, Alphabet Smash is just 99¢!!! As a special Christmas gift for you, Alphabet Smash Kindle edition is now on sale for 99 cents through December 25th. Feel free to...
by Christina | Jun 27, 2016 | Alphabet Smash, books, children, homeschool |
Engaging your child with books The most remembered and loved times I have spent with all my children is when I read to them. Creating memories and building a relationship with my kids happen in many ways. But the time with my kids reading books or listening to books...
by Christina | May 17, 2016 | books, Finances, motherhood |
Which Yard Sale ebook Cover Do You Like Best? I received such a wonderful response to my last ebook, Which Cover Do you Like Best, that I decided to humbly ask your professional opinion once again. Yard Sale Secrets for Sellers and Buyers Tips that will help your yard...
by Christina | Feb 10, 2016 | books, homeschool |
Which book cover do you like best? I am in the process of creating an ebook for a Biblical Standards Chart. Biblical Standards A convenient reference chart that confidently inspires positive character traits in your children. All Scripture is breathed out by God and...
by Christina | Jan 14, 2016 | books, prayer |
The 12 Best Books of 2015 According to a Homeschool Mom This list doesn’t include the dozens of books we read in our homeschool, just the books I loved from the year, personally, in the order I read them. It was a good year for reading and I can’t wait for the new...
by Christina | Apr 2, 2015 | books, encouragement, Intentional |
5 Thoughts On Building an Intentional Homeschool Homeschooling is of itself intentional. When I decided to make intentionality my mission, I found there is much written on the subject. After sifting this advice through the lens of homeschooling, I have found...