10 Ideas To Teach Kids About Being A Leader

I want my kids to be more like Jesus.  I want to be more like Jesus! Much of being a leader is the foundation that it is built upon.  As a homeschool mom, this is the foundation I want to instill in my kids.  I wished someone had taught me this when I was young.  I am still learning.

1. Good leaders seek God first in all they say and do.

This means praying over every day and every project.  It means being obedient to His laws, asking for wisdom and His will, believing in His promises, loving others, and being truthful, no matter what.  Pray over your kids, and let them watch you seeking God first.

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”  Matthew 6:33

2. Leaders are self controlled.

Self control is being able to use words, emotions, and behavior in such a way to solve problems instead of yelling, pushing, hitting, or retaliating.  It may mean sacrificing and thinking of others’ needs before your own. This is hard to master even as an adult.  Your actions are your best example.

“Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control.”  Proverbs 25:28

3. Leaders are self disciplined.

Self disciplined leaders possess perseverance and restraint to follow through despite inconveniences or obstacles.  Even if this means missing out on immediate pleasure for a greater gain that requires long term effort and hard work.  Being punctual, following directions, or doing mundane tasks (like Algebra) that will lead to a desired outcome involve self discipline.  Address this trait in your kids before you move on with other subjects. Self discipline encompasses all areas of your life whether it be emotional and mental (thinking), spiritual (prayer life), or physical (health). Start everyday by making your bed.

“Self discipline begins with the mastery of your thoughts.  If you control what you think, you can control what you do.”— Napoleon Hill

4- Leaders take responsibility and ownership.

Take responsibility in the small things and you will be entrusted with bigger things. If my children want me to give them a cell phone, trust them alone with their friends or have access to the internet, then they better be able to clean their room every week and get their chores done without being asked. Embrace your own mistakes and ask for forgiveness ‘on the spot’.  The best way to teach this is to lead by example.

“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much…”  Luke 16:10

5. Leaders serve others and build relationships.

You are most like Jesus when you are serving others. One reason homeschooling freaks people out is because they think that homeschoolers are un-socialized.  One of the greatest benefits of homeschooling has been the opportunity for our kids to socialize with people of all different ages rather than just 35 same aged peers.  Once a month (for the last 17 years) we volunteer at an assisted living center.  Learning about these people and their lives has been soul changing for my kids and myself.  They are learning to make relationships with people of any age.  Service projects and mission work are excellent ways to influence this characteristic. Praying for others, encouraging others, and learning to communicate with people is key.

“The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.”— Theodore Roosevelt

6. Leaders purpose their friendships.

“You are like the people you hang around.”  My husband said that.

He told me this when we first started dating and we were just kids.  I didn’t really realize this until I saw the fruit of bad friendships.  As I entered the corporate world and then had kids, it had even more meaning.  If your friends are negative, sneaky, or lack values then chances are you will too.  If your friends are considerate, compassionate, and trustworthy, chances are you will be too.  Let your kids see you hang out with people and other parents who better you. And realize your own influence. Your kids have an influence as well.

7. Leaders create a vision.

Clarify what you want and focus on it.  Sometimes the result won’t look like what you envisioned.  When I first had a dream of starting my own play group,  I had a vision of being with like minded Christian women and their kids.  With prayer, it has now evolved into an Adventure Group , a prayer group, and a ministry with other homeschool moms and their families.  We have accomplished and experienced more (now 20 years later) than I could have ever dreamed.  A vision can include someone who is doing what you want to do and modeling them. Clarify your goals on paper in words or pictures. Ask your kids to write down their ‘perfect day’.  How can you have a spectacular life if you don’t know what one looks like?

“You get what you focus on.” – Anthony Robbins

8. Leaders are grateful.  

They know attitude is a decision.  Purpose it.  Have an attitude of gratitude.  It is impossible to be unhappy and grateful at the same time.  A good attitude inspire others, translates into abundant thinking, fuels generosity and people tend to gravitate toward grateful people.

“Eucharisteo—thanksgiving—always precedes the miracle.” Ann Voskamp

9.  Leaders take risks and fail often. 

Taking risks foremost involves saying yes and showing up.  Sometimes that is the hardest part.  Some of the most learning and growing experiences happened to my kids because they took a risk to show up;  whether that was public speaking, performing, or doing something uncomfortable out of their comfort zones. Some of the most amazing things have happened to me when I took risks too. It will at some point mean failure or criticism.   Learn from those failures and keep showing up. Let your kids see you take risks.

“To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing.”— Aristotle

10. Leaders are learners.

Never stop learning.  Be teachable.  If you don’t know the answer to something, then find out.  “I don’t know.”  is unacceptable.  Be willing to listen to others’ take on a situation.   Read. Read. Read.  Leaders are readers. This also means modeling and serving with others who are smarter than you.

“If you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room.”― Confucius

As my middle daughter graduates this year, I remember all the experiences our homeschool journey has afforded.  And I am grateful to God, my husband, and all the family and friends who have been a part of that journey.

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