Favorite Videos of 2017
Did you know that performing an act of kindness actually increases your dopamine levels? That is why we love those feel good videos!
So here is to increasing dopamine! And enjoy my favorite videos of 2017:
Good to see worship led by this young man with autism:
Want to be 1% better? Check it out.
Just this. Kinda makes it more real, doesn’t it.
Laugh collection is going strong…
In memory of Tom Petty, who I listened to regularly when I was a teen.
It only takes a moment.
This is just too good not to share.
This skit was performed by our local teen homeschool group and directed by one of my besties.
Bringing one back from 2016. it is just that good.
Say what? Isn’t it interesting that confidence can be learned!
oh my. I knew my babies smells instinctively. Who knew that babies could smell their mommy too?
Enough with the bad news already, something to smile about.
Sing because you can.
The power of words.
How cool is that?
Year in review…
Posted by Melanie Wilson on Saturday, December 24, 2016
Our searches are telling, aren’t they.
Thank you for watching my favorite videos of 2017. Please reply in comments with your favorite!