6 Simple Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me When I Graduated

One truth I learned about homeschool graduations is that they are super personal, profoundly inspiring, and extremely emotional.

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I remember my own graduation at the Charlotte coliseum (the biggest of its kind at that time) in 1986.  I was one of over 400.  I think my class rank was 214.  Perfectly average. My graduation was anything but personal.  I remember it being crowded, tiring, and stressful.  By the time they called my name, everyone was bored.  Even I was bored.  This didn’t even compare to graduating 10 seniors, homeschool style, in a Christian group and setting; each with their own struggles and story.  Powerful is an understatement.

So when my daughter graduated a few short weeks ago, I was confronted with presenting my daughter her diploma in a maximum of a 3 minute time limit. I felt challenged indeed. And grateful.

How do you capture the 18 year journey, or express the struggles, or articulate all the emotions…… in just 3 short minutes?

So, after thanking my husband for his leadership and provision, reiterating to my daughter just how extraordinary she is (with brief examples), I deciding to tell what I had learned as I experienced my own homeschool education as a homeschool momma over the course of the last 18 years….what I want my girls to know too.


Never would I have imagined when I started homeschooling my first born back in 2000, that it would be she who would be the one giving me an education,  academically and spiritually.

6 simple things I wish someone had told me when I graduated and began life as an adult:

Here they are:

  1. Make your bed every morning.

    Trust me on this. (There are even studies that show bed makers are happier and healthier than non bed makers.)  You begin the day with an accomplishment.

  2. Choose your companions based on their love

    for the Lord and on the size of their hearts.  

  3. Be grateful for the ordinary,

    the small.  Life is lived in seemingly insignificant moments, don’t wait for happiness.  Instead, decide to be happy.

  4. Love.  Help everyone you can, every day you can,

    and as much as you can.  Whether it is letting out someone in traffic, reaching out and encouraging a friend, or helping someone put a roof over their head without expecting anything in return. This will be your greatest joy.

  5. Embrace fear.

    If something scares you, then maybe it is something you are supposed to do.  If you want to quiet fear’s voice, then you must take delight in your gifts, never give up hope, and share your art.

  6. Share your art with the world

    through your words, your talents, and through your love; giving God the glory in it all.  My final encouragement to my girl was this, “You are a talented artist that I can not wait for the world to meet.”  (But know that everyone is an artist.)

I meant Every Word.

“I always thank my God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus. For in him you have been enriched in every way—with all kinds of speech and with all knowledge—” 1 Corinthians 1:4-5    

Lyrics from

Sidewalk Prophets perfectly concluded the sentiment:

“Be strong in the Lord  Never Give up hope

You’re gonna do great things.  I already know

God’s got His hand on you  So don’t live life in fear

Forgive & forget But don’t forget why you’re here”


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Photo by Neecie Herndon

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