Police Department Tour
The best way to know if you want to work in law enforcement is to talk to people who actually do. We met several officers who really love their jobs and you can tell it. Being able to go to the source and ask questions is a wonderful benefit of homeschooling. Even if you find out it is something you do not want to do; at least you will know.
There are 2 types of interview rooms. This is a soft interview room for witnesses, etc…
Keith Michovic, a detective, taught our group about search warrants and the 4th amendment. Detective Michovic was well spoken and engaging. He went into the military after high school in preparation for this career. He always knew he wanted to work in law enforcement. This provided opportunities for college in this field. He is a great example of going after what you want and set a terrific example for our students.
Detective Michovic told us about a program called Law Enforcement Exploring that provides opportunities for students who are interested in a law enforcement career.
It is for students ages 14-20 (not yet graduated):
This program develops: Leadership Skills, Respect for police officers & explorers, New personal skills, Marksmanship, and Law Enforcement Protocols. Students learn:
- Accident Scene Procedures
- Bomb Threat Response
- Proper Equipment usage
And have an opportunity to participate in:
- Ride-Alongs
- National Events & Competitions
- Community Service
For more information click here.
The Quartermaster room is where gear and supplies for the officers are kept. Only 2 people have the key.
This is the ‘hard’ interview room for people who have been arrested when they come in.
The aesthetics were entirely different.
Police Training room and meetings; below:
These lockers have a back door where the evidence officer can retrieve the evidence stored here. Evidence comes in all sizes. Even vehicles can be kept on site.
Everything requires paperwork. As long as a person is serving time, evidence is kept. Even for life sentences.
Sergeant Beck explained that in order to carry and use a taser gun, officers must be trained and also be ‘tazed’.
Tasers bring suspects to the ground. We learned a little about electricity as both prongs must hit for circle to be complete.
There is not much leg room. Imagine a grown man back there.
If you are interested in setting up a tour, contact your own local police department.