Here is my attempt at remembering the good…My Best of Everything 2013:
The best recipe I couldn’t not make again:
Copy cat recipe of Olive Garden’s Pasta E Fagioli Imagine with me….can you smell it? Mmmmm…
Best New Sport:
Best New Hobby:
Biking (See Virginia Creeper Trail).
Best blessing:
Getting baptized.
Best Feeling:
Volunteering with Special Olympics.
The best book I couldn’t put down…well, 2: (I reviewed some books I read this year.)
“People are mistaken when they think chasing your dream is a selfish thing to do. As if perhaps being average is an act of humility. As if perhaps wasting the talents you were given is proof that you’re a considerate individual. It’s not.” Jon Acuff
Take the Stairs by Rory Vaden
“God, please use me each day. Make me a steward of the resources you’ve given me. A fiduciary of the skills you’ve blessed me with, a conduit for your message to pass.” Rory Vaden
Best trick:
Pampered Chef’s Mix and Scraper. I feel like I am betraying kids everywhere by sharing this. No more bowls to lick.
Best Family Movie:
Despicable Me 2 came in a close second.
Best Performances:
Les Miserable at CPCC and MacBeth by Charlotte Shakespeare. See How to fall in love with Shakespeare.
Best songs from 2013:
Reeve Coob’s Night Owl Purchase here. 50% of sales go to charity. I love it for what she shared as much as that she did share.
“I Will Wait”…
Best pictures:
Best Challenge:
Warrior Dash with daughter
Best videos:
By Jessica… By Abigail…
The risk that returned best:
Attending Write2Ignite
Daring to be vulnerable and courageous.
The best habit:
Christian Power Yoga
Best laugh:
Best intro:
Meeting Bobby from the Morris Jenkin’s commercials after watching Charlotte Shakespeare’s Taming of The Shrew on the Green uptown.
The Best Guy:
Celebrating 21 years~!
And lastly,
Best quote I heard in 2013:
From the movie Frozen, “Some people are worth melting for.” Olaf
Putting this together in an attempt to live life more intentionally and see the ordinary as extraordinary. What are you going to do with your days…
or jellybeans??…
Remember, as you begin your journey in 2014…
Philippians 3:13-14 No, dear brothers and sisters, I am still not all I should be, but I am focusing all my energies on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I strain to reach the end of the race and receive the prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us up to heaven. (NLT)
This is an invitation to share your Best of Everything 2013!