The Accident- Part One

The Accident- Part One

She witnessed the fall out of the accident from her house on June 19, 1980. My mother in law and her neighbor stood in a field watching the flashing red lights and hearing the blaring sirens.  They knew something awful had  happened, she just never dreamed it involved...

My Teachable Moment

I had just finished a Christian yoga class before our visit and was completely relaxed, still, and slow in breath. Thrilled to do something tangible for Ruth, The Most Beautiful Woman I Know, she graciously allowed me to type this post from her dictation.  It first...

Mother’s Day Resolve

Looking in my hope chest as a young mom, I came across a brochure my mom had given me.  It was a baby care brochure that came from the Miami hospital where she had me in 1968.  It was all they had given her.  It was pretty silly, actually.  A small 31 page brochure of...

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