The Migrant Worker- Picture Study

Photo credit I haven’t been able to get this picture off of my mind.  I am captivated.  We are almost finished with a year long American History picture study and this week we happened upon The Migrant Worker….. This large picture was up in our house all...

willing to pause

During the Great Depression, Dorothea Lange used her photography to document the poverty that resulted from The Great Depression.  Americans were astonished and shocked to see the impoverished images of people, families, and children living in such conditions in...
3 Benefits of Technology in Homeschooling

3 Benefits of Technology in Homeschooling

Over the last 16 years, I have taught my kids using a set curriculum and also by coming up with my own. I am a planner by nature so I order from the library or purchase supplements to our main curriculum well in advance; making notes, even in the summer. Sometimes,...

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